tesla at ultraschall - nachtstudio
for this year's ultraschall - festival for new music, tesla presents 'nachtstudio': four late-evening concerts, which expand classical instrumentation with live electronics and visual formats, from light-space to multi-screen projection.
kubus | fri. 19. jan. 2007 | 10:30 pm xylocopa violacea -- solo per violalucia ronchetti: composition
barbara maurer: viola
claudia doderer: space and light
live electronic realisation: experimentalstudio für akustische kunst e.v.
reinhold braig: sound direction and music computing
the famous freiburg-based violist barbara maurer [ensemble recherche, etc.] performs works of the young italian composer lucia ronchetti for the first time. the three works span from studi profundi, written in 1984, to the premiere of last desire - cadenza for viola and live electronics. for this first tesla nachtstudio, the berlin-based artist claudia doderer has developed a spatial concept which transforms the kubus into a place of intensive musical and visual perception.
with the kind support of the istituto italiano di cultura berlin, experimentalstudio für akustische kunst e.v., electronic studio of the tu berlin, und the daad artist-in-residence program.
kubus | sat. 20. jan. 2007 | 10:30 pm to 01:30 am room piece berlin 2007 - concert installationmichael schumacher: composition, piano und live-electronic
kurt ralske: live-video
michael moser: violoncello
in his multi-channel concert-installation room piece berlin 2007, the new york composer michael schumacher structures the geometry of the kubus through singular deliberately arranged sound-spots. the listener is positioned within a cluster of intertwined sound elements, which determine the rhythmic order of the concert-installation. the new york video artist kurt ralske provides a visual counterpoint to the music with a rhythmically structured real-time video composition. the live elements of both music and video are generated using the same algorithms. the three-hour-long concert-installation remains open to the public into the late-night hours.
with friendly support from the daad artist-in-residence program and the electronic studio of the tu berlin.
probebühne | opening: thurs. 25. jan. 2007 | 6:00 pmaudio kinematicsjost muxfeldt [d]
audio kinematics is a virtual kinetic sound-sculpture, in which the mechanical principle of a mobile determine the dimensions of the sound. this principle is based on a binary tree structure and circular motion. after his three-month-long project residence at tesla, berlin-based composer and artist jost muxfeldt presents the first realisation of his work as an installation on the expansive rehearsal stage of the podewils'schen palais.
kubus | thurs. 25. and fri. 26. jan. 2007 | 10:30 pm piano optophoniqueworks for piano and video bykotoka suzuki, shintaro imai, inouk demers, oliver schneller
heather o'donnell: klavier
rainer kohlberger: live video
gerhard daurer: audio processing
in two nachtstudios on the second weekend of ultrashall, the pianist heather o'donnell premieres four works for piano and video by kotoka suzuki and claudia rohrmoser, shintaro imai, inouk demers, and oliver schneller. the entire program is influenced by a search for synthesis of sensory perceptions in artistic expression.
supported by the hauptstadtkulturfonds. with kind support from the daad artist-in-residence program and the electronic studio of the tu berlin.
foyer | mi. 24. jan. bis fr. 26. jan. 2007 | ab 18:00 timecoded kurt ralske [usa], video, 2005.
studio 1 | wed. to sat. | 18. jan. to 03. feb 2007 | 6:00 to 10:00 pm
opening: thurs. 18. jan. 2007 | 6:00 pmsei personaggi part 2valentina vuksic [ch]
valentina vuksic's six characters play through luigi pirandello's theatrical concept on a fictive electronic stage. in the system core of her computer, which is built up into a room installation, the mechanical dialogs pop, plop and crackle. the zürich-based artist records the processor's emissions, and in her studio, she amplifies, filters and modulates the sounds into a sound-setting, which uses an age-old loudspeaker system to emit a specific lo-fi character.
studio 2 | wed. to sat. | 18. jan. to 03. feb 2007 | 6:00 to 10:00 pm
opening: thurs. 18. jan. 2007 | 06:00 pmdesire of codesseiko mikami [j]
in an open studio, seiko mikami presents a new version, developed at tesla, of her interactive installation desire of codes. a matrix of sensors, mini-lightspots and surveillance cameras fills the room, following the movements of the visitor. until march, 2007, seiko mikami is in berlin as a visiting fellow at the udk.
probebühne | wed. to sat. | 18. jan. to 03. feb 2007 | 6:00 to 10:00 pm
opening: thurs. 25. jan. 2007 | 6:00 pmaudio kinematicsjost muxfeldt [d]
audio kinematics is a virtual kinetic sound-sculpture, in which the mechanical principle of a mobile determine the dimensions of the sound. this principle is based on a binary tree structure and circular motion. after his three-month-long project residence at tesla, berlin-based composer and artist jost muxfeldt presents the first realisation of his work as an installation on the expansive rehearsal stage of the podewils'schen palais.
