radio tesla

For the current theme, funkstille ("radio silence"), RADIOTESLA does not only present the remaining two evenings before the summer break. The holiday weeks in between can also be understood as filled with extraordinary programming, which may well reach beyond the Berlin city limits. The normal rhythm of weekly productions will resume on September 21st, after the summer holidays.

RADIOTESLA wishes everyone a pleasant summer.

wed 06.07.2005 at 8:30 pm

radio play

Albrecht Kunze: "space is the place", WDR 2001

wed 13.07.2005 at 8:30 pm


Wolfram Wessels: "Die Welt im Haus - Rundfunk und Hörspiel in der Weimarer Republik", SWF 1991

wed 21.09.2005, 8:30 pm

radio art

Andreas Ammer, F.M. Einheit: "Crashing Aeroplanes", WDR/DLR 2001

wed 28.09.2005, 8:30 pm


Kraftwerk: "Sendepause", Klingklang 1975
Radiokampagne Berlin: "24 Sendepausen", 2002

A project of TESLA im Podewils´schen Palais, Berlin
Realized by:  Martina Groß, Andreas Hagelüken, Séamus O'Donell, Moritz von Rappard und Johannes Wilms.

With the kind support of:
deufunk_deuradio_w125.jpg Deutschlandfunk/Deutschlandradio Kultur
dra_w125.jpg Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv