radio tesla in may:
hörspiel, feature, radiokunst aus vergangenheit, gegenwart und zukunft des mediums

wed. 02. may 2007 | 8:30 pm


hasso grabner: das tagebuch der brigade schlimme, radio ddr 2, 1960.

team leader schlimme leafs through the work team's diary. reading the entries from december, 1958 through october, 1959, he recalls scenes of how his team was newly formed after various conflicts and controversies. it all began with the arrival of matz. a young man among old hands, rude, cheeky, and not willing to shake one hand more than necessary. even worse: only 80 % of schlimme's work team showed up for the parade on may day; matz simply took the day off. if this behavior continues, the team will not be able to participate in the battle for the title of socialist work brigade.

wed. 09. may 2007 | 8:30 pm

radio art

michael schmacke: der mensch ist zum arbeiten geboren wie der vogel zum fliegen
der fleissige rennt sich zu tode. der faule schleppt sich zu tode.

live performance

how far can we distance ourselves from serfdom and compulsion without starving? are we on our way to eternal leisure? after the automation of the world, will the human body atrophy to the point that we become purely mental beings?

we are moving towards bliss, if we just work hard enough at it. the future calls to life, demanding progress, and that means us.
in his audio spectacle, the indefatigable michael schmacke leads us through his working world, which exists geological seconds after the middle ages, and he faces the human beast.
a live radio broadcast from eye to eye and ear to ear with studio guests.
range: one room and maybe even through the window...
fake radio! bring your ears...

wed. 16. may 2007 | 8:30 pm


klaus ihlau: alltag ist jeder tag, berliner rundfunk, 1984.

a feature about everyday life in the rosa luxemburg working team in the narva lightbulb factory, 1983. the discrepency between east german propaganda and the daily routine of work becomes clear. ever more special shifts to attain targeted production, noise, heat, and a dreary environment; the factory employed over 5000 people.

klaus ihlau: man kann uns ja viel erzählen... protokolle aus dem brandenburger stahlwerk nord vom frühjahr und sommer 1993 , orb, 1993.

1993 - the year of the steel crisis. in brandenburg, the remaining employees of the northern steel factory make a desperate effort to save their jobs; in vain. for six months, the protagonists of the feature - blast furnace workers, cooks, laboratory workers, members of the works committee - are accompanied in their desperate labor battle.

in the presence of klaus ihlau.

wed. 23. may 2007 | 8:30 pm


hausdurchsuchung beim freien sender kombinat fsk, fsk /, 2004

the hamburg police, an evacuation, a spokesperson and a telephone, free radio, an interview, a media institution and a program recording, freedom of the press, a house search, a reading and a weapon, the 25.11.2003, a tuesday, a routine, and a program by the fsk and from march, 2004.

wed. 30. mai 2007 | 8:30 pm

bonus track

dr. polly fibre: glitch stitch


dr. polly fibre, an irish artist living in london, works and improvises with the sounds of tools meant for tailoring and household use [sewing machines, scissors, irons]. her performances are series of indiscrete works, which use a post-digital aesthetic to explore aspects of contemporary culture. the routine technology of cut and paste appears in a new light and becomes the starting point for a performative approach, which focuses on deconstructive and reconstructive processes.

radio tesla presents programs, fragments and impressions from the past, present and future of radio.  as an integral part of the schedule at tesla im podewils'schen palais, the series explores the artistic and historical dimensions of the medium of radio, which was, after all, invented by nikola tesla himself.

radio tesla is presented every wednesday evening at eight-thirty, admission is free.  each month is dedicated to a specific theme, and each evening concentrates on one genre: on the first wednesday of the month, a radio play or other fictional work is offered. the following week, the focus is on features and other non-fiction.  the third wednesday is reserved for ars acustica and radio art, and on the fourth wednesday of the month, labeled "grenzen" ("borders"), unconventional, uncensored independent forms will be offered.  In months which have a fifth wednesday, a "bonus track" will take the month's theme one step further.
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