radio tesla im januar:
sound images
hörspiel, feature, radiokunst aus vergangenheit, gegenwart und zukunft des mediums
wed. 10. jan. 2007 | 8:30 pm featureandreas weiser: wie gut muss im mond wohnen sein!, hr 2004.
cries of exotic birds, the buzzing of countless insects, and the gurgling and rushing of water convey the dense sound of the rainforest.
wed. 17. jan. 2007 | 8:30 pm radio artzohar schlesinger: between, sfb 2000.
philip scheffner: a/c, pong 2002.
original sound as witness, sound image as metaphor for location and memory; music, soundscape, and found-sound as composition of a virtual space between berlin and bombay.
wed. 24. jan. 2007 | 8:30 pm bordersspringer i parker mit wolfram der spyra: last transmission - live audio-/video performance.
an acousmatic projection of timbres and landscapes...
wed. 31. jan. 2007 | 8:30 pm bonus trackcane capovolto: helmut doppel,radiorevolten 2006.
doggy-forest-shore from the sea-office of the post-kindergarden-auditorium of courthouse-church - supermarket-railroad-elevator-children, who play with dog-busses, etc.
radio tesla presents programs, fragments and impressions from the past, present and future of radio. as an integral part of the schedule at tesla im podewils'schen palais, the series explores the artistic and historical dimensions of the medium of radio, which was, after all, invented by nikola tesla himself.
radio tesla is presented every wednesday evening at eight-thirty, admission is free. each month is dedicated to a specific theme, and each evening concentrates on one genre: on the first wednesday of the month, a radio play or other fictional work is offered. the following week, the focus is on features and other non-fiction. the third wednesday is reserved for ars acustica and radio art, and on the fourth wednesday of the month, labeled "grenzen" ("borders"), unconventional, uncensored independent forms will be offered. In months which have a fifth wednesday, a "bonus track" will take the month's theme one step further.
Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
Deutschlandfunk/Deutschlandradio Kultur