radio tesla in january
in the beginning, radio was fundamentally live. from the indefatigable kriegsfunk (war radio) from the trenches of the first world war, to the legendary voice that stimulated the masses from the fox house in berlin-schöneberg, beginning in 1924: everything went on the air in the moment that was produced. although it was already possible to conserve voices, sounds, and music on wax cylinders, shellack records, or celluloid, this was only rarely done. recording was a complicated and expensive process, and there was considerable doubt as to whether broadcasting a recorded program could be a viable alternative to live transmission. the triumph of the tape recorder after the second world war revolutionized both broadcasting practice and the entire aesthetic of radio production. the increasing mobility of radio technology has made the immediacy of live broadcasting ever greater, bringing the listener onto the scene. meanwhile, artistic genres of radio, such as schallspiel, radio play, and feature, as well as electronic music, which is closely tied to the studios of broadcasting stations, have all found new form thanks to new recording methods. since the 1990's, financial pressure, digitalized broadcasting, and accordingly modified formats have changed the voice of radio. since it is ever more likely that even the moderation is pre-produced, hours can pass on some stations without a soul speaking directly on the air.
mi 11. jan. 2006 -- 20:30 h
featurealfred berndt / john hendrik: ein film entsteht, rias, 1957.
tues 17. jan. 2006 -- 8.00 pm -- kubus --
art's birthday / trans dada express
radio tesla special
on 17th january 1963, art was a million years old - at least that's what the fluxus artist robert filliou claimed. this proclamation has been celebrated around the world ever since. until 1000043. art's birthday networks the ars acustica group of the european broadcasting union with many sound artists and radio stations via satellite to make an international birthday party. the centrepiece is something congenial: dadaism is celebrating it's 90th and bestows the event it's motto, trans dada express.
mi 18. jan. 2006 -- 20:30 h
radiokunstheiner goebbels: shadows / landscape with argonauts,1992
mi 25. jan. 2006 -- 20:30 h
grenzenligna: intervenierende gegenöffentlichkeit
radio tesla presents programs, fragments and impressions from the past, present and future of radio. as an integral part of the schedule at tesla im podewils'schen palais, the series explores the artistic and historical dimensions of the medium of radio, which was, after all, invented by nikola tesla himself.
radio tesla is presented every wednesday evening at eight-thirty, admission is free. each month is dedicated to a specific theme, and each evening concentrates on one genre: on the first wednesday of the month, a radio play or other fictional work is offered. the following week, the focus is on features and other non-fiction. the third wednesday is reserved for ars acustica and radio art, and on the fourth wednesday of the month, labeled "grenzen" ("borders"), unconventional, uncensored independent forms will be offered. In months which have a fifth wednesday, a "bonus track" will take the month's theme one step further.
A project of TESLA im Podewils´schen Palais, Berlin
Realized by: Martina Groß, Andreas Hagelüken, Séamus O'Donell, Moritz von Rappard und Johannes Wilms.
With the kind support of:
Deutschlandfunk/Deutschlandradio Kultur
Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
to program> radiotesla february [kino]